Refugees and migrants who reach EUrope and Germany today face a complicated system of classifications. One of them divides migrants into “unaccompanied minors” and “adult asylum seekers”. This classification - carried out in age estimations by means of interviews and medical tests - has multiple harsh consequences for people arriving in EUrope/Germany. This is why the activists of Together we are Bremen resist and why we developed visions for a future beyond racist classifications that divide human lives.
→ Situating age determination in post-colonial relations
→ The procedure of age estimations
→ The consequences of age determinations
Over the past years, Bremen's Standesamt denied Birth Certificates to over 200 Black German children. As a consequence, basic human rights and living conditions were denied to the kids and their mothers. So, the mothers started fighting for their and their babies' rights and lives.
→ Mistrust, racism, and lack of privacy
This website evolved out of a collaborative research project by refugee activists from Together We Are Bremen and anthropologists from the University of Bayreuth.